What Type of Stress Do You Suffer From?


Types of Stress: Eustress vs. Stress Whenever you feel overwhelmed and up against the wall, do you get the old familiar stress headache or stress backache ? Before you let yourself get all stressed out, take time to think about what type of stress you’re feeling. According to psychologists there are two types of stress: Eustress and Stress. These two types of stress are as different as two sides of the same coin. The one type of stress is good for you and the other type of stress is harmful to your body. The first type of stress, the good […]

Types of Stress


While some stress can be good for the body, some stress disorders can cause major health problems and some types of stress can even be life threatening. Stress is a natural function of the body but understanding the different types of stress can help you better understand how to deal with the stress you encounter in life. Major Types of Stress While stress may have many subcategories, the major types of stress can be broken down and categorized into four types of stress: Eustress, Hyperstress, Hypostress and Distress. Let us discuss each type of stress further. Type of Stress #1: […]